
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A New Meme for Me - Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's Top Ten list is:  Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On.

I thought it might be difficult to find 10 sequels.  It seems like I've read a lot of sequels or whole series, but once I went through my list of Goodreads recent reads, I found some that should have sequels coming out in the next little while.

1.  The Destiny of Violet and Luke (The Coincidence #3) by Jessica Sorensen

I read The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden earlier this year, and totally fell in love with both characters.  Even though The Redemption of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence #2) didn't live up to my expectations, I think I will love to read about Luke, Kayden's best friend, falling in love, in this follow up.

2.  The Liberator (Dante Walker #2) by Victoria Scott

I seriously don't know why I haven't bought this book yet.  I totally loved The Collector (Dante Walker #1) - Dante is such an arrogant jerk that it's funny!  I need to see if he's really changed his ways, now that he's in love with Charlie.

3.  This series is so good!  If you haven't tried it, don't let this cover deter you, give it a shot.  I love all the Merrick boys, and I can't wait to see what happens to Nick in "Secret"!

4.  I just finished reading "Broken Beauty" through Netgalley a while back, and it's the story of Mia, who was brutally raped at a party, and the aftermath of that event.  It was a novella, and seeing "No Way Back" is listed as "Mia's Way #1", I'm thinking that maybe "Broken Beauty is a prequel?  Doesn't really matter, I really want to know what happens to Mia!

5.  Have you read "Shadows" by Paula Weston yet?  If you haven't, go pick it up - it's available in Canada now - and then you'll see why I'm so eager to read "Haze".  Gotta love a good Australian angel story!

6.  I'm not sure what the 3rd in this series will be called, or what the cover will look like, but if it's got Janelle and Ben in it, I'm all over it!

 7.  I loved "Waiting on the Sidelines" so much, and I can't believe that author Ginger Scott is continuing Nolan and Reed's story into college!  And better yet, I have an ARC from Netgalley loaded up ready to go on my Kobo!

8.  This seems like THE most highly anticipated sequel all over the blogiverse, am I right?  Well, I am not immune to Katie McGarry's series, and I'm on pins and needles until this one releases!

9.  "The Edge of Never" was my introduction to the New Adult genre (well, it was the first NA book I liked) and I absolutely fell in love with Camryn and Andrew, so of course I have to see what happens next!

10.  I had trouble coming up with a tenth, so I'm adding this one for my daughter, Ailis.  I borrowed the first book for Ailis from the library, and one day I looked over and she was sitting in her reading chair with tears on her cheeks.  I asked her what was the matter, and she said something like, "I finished this book, and the ending was so happy that it made me cry!"  Oh my gosh, how adorable is that!!!  Now she's just about dying with anticipation for the sequel!

Whew, that was a long post!  Now I just have to wonder if anybody will read it! 

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