
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Heroines!

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, sponsored by the Broke and the Bookish:

What a fun topic!  I haven't done one of these memes in a while, but this one was too good to pass up!

The Kick Ass Dystopian Chicks:

I wonder if part of the reason dystopians were/are so popular is because the heroines are just so awesome.  Here are three of my favourites:

1.  Katniss from the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins.

2.  Tris from the Divergent series by Veronica Roth.

3.  Saba from the Dust Lands series by Moira Young.

Girls I want to adopt and keep safe forever:

These are the girls who pull at my maternal heartstrings, and even though they usually end up surprising me with their strength, I just hate that they've had to go through what they've been through.

4.  Eleanor from Rainbow Rowell's "Eleanor and Park"

5.  Liesel from "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak

6.  Nastya from Katja Millay's "Sea of Tranquility"

7.  Jersey from Jennifer Brown's "Torn Away"

Ladies I want to hang around with just so I can laugh at them:

These girls had me in stitches with the constant messes they got into!

8.   Janet Evanovich's character, Stephanie Plum.  I stopped reading this series because it didn't seem to be going anywhere, but you've got to admit, Stephanie Plum is hysterical.  Honourable mention to Lula and Grandma Mazur!

9.  Helen Fielding's character, Bridget Jones.  Love her!

10.  Susan Juby's character, Alice MacLeod.  If you haven't read this series and you love to laugh, then you need to grab it ASAP!

And one more, just because it's my blog and I said so!

11.  Linda Hamilton's character, Sarah Connor, from Terminator 2.  Yeah, I know it's a movie and not a book, but she deserves a mention because of how inspirational she was to me.  I remember being fifteen or so, and seeing her doing those chin ups in prison with those bulging biceps, and I thought it was so wicked cool - I thought, "I wanna be able to do that one day!"  Sad to say that almost twenty five years later, those chin ups are still on the bucket list, sigh.  Maybe this year?

Thanks for popping by to see my list!  Leave a comment with a link to your TTT post and I'll be sure to comment back!


  1. Katniss and Eleanor are such awesome choices! I had completely forgotten about Saba and I can't believe that I did. She's a really great kick-butt character. I love your blog; I'm a new follower!

    Have a great week!

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. New follower! Definitely agree with Katniss & Tris. Love Eleanor & Nastya. I'd definitely hang out with Stephanie, Lula, & Grandma Mazur as long as they were all three together. Or Stephanie if I could hang out with Morelli and Ranger too. :) Nice list!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. I adore the way that you formatted your list. There are so many different types of Heroines that it's a bit hard to narrow them down, but yours was done so eloquently!
    I love Dystopian/Apocalyptic genre, because it really tests not only the strength of the characters (Males and Females) to protect themselves from what's happening, but I also love that they have to fight hopelessness and learn to be vulnerable in different ways. My heart sings for the Dystopian/Apocalyptic genre!
    Also, you've got a new follower in me ;)

    My TTT (
